From January 2020 the Sentiero del Tidone Association started a collaboration with hiking guides which are officially recognized nationally and also are familiar with the entire route. Other people that present themselves as guides of the Sentiero del Tidone should not be considered as such and we urge you to notify us via our official e-mail address: info@sentierodeltidone.it
CELLPHONE: 3923267010
GUIDA AIGAE (Associazione Italiana Guide Ambientali Escursionistiche) Matr. ER 418
Beekeeper by profession and hiker by vocation, Mirna lives in Varzi (Pavia) where she works. She started her activity as environmental guide after having obtained the AIGAE qualification at the Formaper Institute of Borgo Val di Taro in 2012 and since then she has dedicated herself to the conception of routes with environmental direction in the Apennine’s territory of the 4 Provinces, from the Tidone to the Staffora Valleys, from the Trebbia to the Curone Valleys, on the Via del Sale and the Via degli Abati and the minor adjacent paths. In 2018/19 she participated in eco-sustainable tourism projects and events with the GAL Oltrepo Pavese Foundation, in particular on the Via di Fede and the Cammini Storici in the provinces of Pavia and Piacenza. She manages the “Trails of Mirna” page within her FB profile.
CELLPHONE: 3298507198
GUIDA AIGAE (Associazione Italiana Guide Ambientali Escursionistiche) Matr. ER 478
Environmental Hiking Guide for six years, Annalisa attended the course and passed the exam (2012-194 2 RER aut. D.D. n° 2013/5087) to acquire the license recognized by the European Union in 2014. Living for thirty years in Turin, she studied forestry and environmental sciences and now has been living in Piacenza for the last 13 years. She works as a teacher and deals mainly with environmental education for schools in the province at the Eureka cooperative of Piacenza, in the Stirone and Piacenziano parks and the Trebbia fluvial park. She manages some activities for schools inside the park of the Grazzano Visconti’s Castle. She leads on excursions groups of adults and families on the trails of Trebbia and Nure Valleys with a particular preference for the sweetness of the Tidone Valley’s hills and the untouched nature of Boreca Valley. She carries out her proposal periodically with the group “I Calcaterra”. She has experience in leading groups even in multiple-days treks which she carried in several parts of Italy, including the Alps and in France. She carried several excursions along the Sentiero del Tidone also in collaboration with the municipality of Alta Val Tidone. She has lived the mountains since she was a child thanks to her parents and she took her first steps on a trail, the scouts completed the work. She was able to appreciate the beauty of the Piemonte Alps and not only, but soon the Apennine fascinated her with its hidden wonders.

CELLPHONE: 3478503418
Guide from the National Mountain Bike Academy (Membership n° 15903) Paolo lives in Borgonovo Val Tidone, he is a bicycle enthusiast and passionate about outdoor sports activities. As a member of the board of directors of the A.S.D. Tidon Valley Team Ciclosport, he deals with the promotion of the cycling activities in Piacenza’s territory and the maintenance of the trails. He collaborates with the key players of the territory such as Guida di Mountain Bike in the creation of cycling routes to introduce the valley from a new point of view.
He conceived with the A.S.D. Team Ciclosport Tidon Valley the creation of the E–BIKE PARK BISSOLO in the Molato Dam (Alta Val Tidone).

CELLPHONE: 3392732285
Guide and Instructor of Mountain Bike and E-Bike CSEN (Membership n° 2766046)
Living in Castel San Giovanni, Elisa is partner of the A.S.D. Team Ciclosport Tidon Valley, committed to the promotion of the territory and the maintenance of the trails, and as instructor of courses specific for adults of basic and intermediate level.
Passionate about sports and nature, she offers herself as a cycling guide in the Tidone Valley with the intention of spreading the passion and enthusiasm to those who want to explore the area on two wheels.
She participated with the A.S.D. Team Ciclosport Tidon Valley in the creation of the E-BIKE PARK BISSOLO in the Molato Dam (Alta Val Tidone).

CELLPHONE: 3356488992
Guide and Instructor of Mountain Bike and E-Bike CSEN (Membership n° 2766047)
Living in Castel San Giovanni, Andrea is partner of the A.S.D. Team Ciclosport Tidon Valley, committed to the promotion of the territory, the maintenance of the trails and as an instructor of courses specific for adults of all levels. Living in Castel San Giovanni, Andrea is partner of the A.S.D. Team Ciclosport Tidon Valley, committed to the promotion of the territory, the maintenance of the trails and as an instructor of courses specific for adults of all levels. He is passionate about sports and all kinds of outdoor activities, connoisseur of the valley, offers himself as a cycling guide in the Tidone Valley to explore the territory through the pleasure of a conscious use of the Mountain Bike. He conceived with the A.S.D. Team Ciclosport Tidon Valley the creation of the E-BIKE PARK BISSOLO in the Molato Dam (Alta Val Tidone).

CELLPHONE: 3351218940
FEDERCICLISMO Guide (Membership n° A200729) – Hospitality Expert
Max lives in Salsomaggiore Terme, he works as a FCI second level technician, trainer-instructor (TA2) teaching MTB in a cycling school in Fidenza. Cycle traveler and two-wheel enthusiast, after attending several training courses of Tourism Marketing and Sports Tourism, he is dedicated to the promotion of the territory and to the creation of websites such as Bicieterme.it and Emiliabiketour.it. He proposes and leads sport cycle excursions in the Emilian territory and acts as a consultant to several municipal administrations for the realization and promotion of cycling paths and tracks; for two years has been collaborating with the Parchi del Ducato for the construction of the Ciclovia del Ducato and proposes cycling tourism events like Emilia Gravel.